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Indonesia weather & when to go: April

Indonesia April weather overview

Nearly a full house of dry weather in April, and all eyes turn to the holiday islands of Bali & Lombok, as well as their central neighbours as they each start to have their moment in the sun. Levels of rainfall are significantly reduced and the beaches start to welcome us sun worshippers once again. April is a good time of year for orang-utan spotting in the rainforest of Kalimantan and the Sumatran jungle.

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Indonesia weather & when to go

Pick a month below

West and Central Islands

Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Bali, Komodo, Flores, Lombok & the Gilis, Sumba, South Sulawesi

Eastern Islands

North Sulawesi, the Moluccas, West Papua & Raja Ampat

April’s weather in detail

NB: the westernmost point of Indonesia is a full 3200 miles from the eastern most tip, so it should come as no surprise that summarising the weather is not straightforward. The tables above split the ‘country’ (made up of 17,508 islands) into two regions - the western & central islands and the eastern islands (that sit to the east of the Wallace Line), however we encourage you to read the more detailed summaries below as there can be significant variations in conditions between the islands within each group.


The wet weather of previous months tails off in April as dry season begins and sunny days replace overcast skies. Across the island, following months of rain, the flora is in full bloom and rice paddies are green, making journeys through the countryside particularly picturesque and Borobudur especially photogenic, surrounded as it is by greenery.

Temperatures average 29°C, although the mercury can push 32-33°C, which will feel sticky in the cities of Jakarta and Surabaya.


The island of Bali welcomes April with open arms as drier weather makes a comeback. The chance of rainfall reduces significantly as the month rolls on, with predominantly sunny days; it's less windy along the coast and temperatures climb towards their annual peak, averaging 28°C. Favourable diving conditions can be experienced around Pemuteran and the West Bali National Park, and also off Bali's east coast.

Nusa Tenggara

Lombok, Flores, Komodo National Park, Sumba

Rainy days are fewer across the Nusa Tenggara region in April as dry season commences. The islands typically experience dry, sunny days with average temperatures around 27-28°C, although maximum temperatures of 31°C & 32°C are not uncommon. 

Favourable diving and snorkelling conditions can be enjoyed off the coast of Lombok, the Gili Islands and in the Komodo National Park, with water temperatures around 29°C.  

Minimal rainfall also means April is a good month for trekking Lombok’s Mt Rinjani, although temperatures will be cooler as you climb so we would recommend taking warm layers.


Weather conditions throughout Kalimantan in April are much the same as March: rainfall should be expected but sunny days are more frequent and the chance of rain reduces as the month rolls on. Temperatures are creeping up and highs of 32°C can be expected during the day.


The rains should be tailing off now in South Sumatra and the number of sunny days soon outweigh the overcast skies, although North Sumatra’s tropical climate means the odd intense downpour can still be expected during April. If you are travelling to Bukit Luwang you have a good chance of spotting orang-utan in the jungle. Typically temperatures fluctuate around 27-28°C, with highs of 34°C possible in Palembang and the south.


Rainfall in Toraja and southern Sulawesi is less than in the northern regions for the first time in the year, and long periods of sunshine are now more frequent. The humidity levels drop slightly in April, but average temperatures remain around 27°C. 

The Moluccas

April is shoulder season across the Molucca Islands. The southern islands of Kei and Aru, and the northern islands of Ternate and Tidore typically experience less rainfall than previous months. The high winds that have plagued the Banda Islands earlier in the year have now disappeared, making April a good time of year to visit the Banda Islands.

West Papua & Raja Ampat

Favourable weather conditions continue across the islands of Raja Ampat and the Baliem Valley during April. Expect warm daily temperatures, good diving conditions in Raja Ampat and the occasional shower throughout the Baliem Valley.  

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