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Cambodia weather & when to go: April

Cambodia April weather overview

April is one of the hottest months of the year in Cambodia, with average temperatures of 35°C, and the possibility of the mercury hitting the 40°C's. The chances of rain are still low, although the odd shower close to the end of the month is to be expected with rainy season just around the corner (the rains generally start in early/mid-May).

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April’s weather in detail

Exploring the Angkor Temples can be hard work in these hot temperatures, so plan for several shorter stints rather than all-day visits. The heat does have its advantages however as crowd numbers tend to be lower at the main temple sites. 

Very hot, dry weather is the norm across the entire country making for great travel conditions. Rain is unlikely to have fallen for many months making the terrain dusty with little vegetation.

For the more committed sun worshippers, this is the ideal time of year to factor in a few days of R&R on the south coast beaches of Sihanoukville, Kep or the smaller islands of Koh Rong and Kong Rong Samloem. As the month goes on the odd tropical storm could deliver some welcome rainfall to the parched land, however at this time of year these will be short lived.

Cambodia Festivals in April

Chaul Chnam (Cambodian New Year)

The Khmer New Year is celebrated between 13th and 17th April when the country comes to a standstill with government offices, many markets and some tourist sites closing for the holiday. Seemingly the entire population of Cambodia takes to the streets and soaks each other with water! It’s all taken in very good spirit, even by the police and military. If you don’t want to get wet, stay inside or get out of the country – there is no alternative!

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Ideal length 13 days
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