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Borneo weather & when to go: August

Borneo August weather overview

August in Borneo sees similar weather conditions to July, characterised by warm, bright, sunny days and minimal rainfall. As school holidays continue, so does Borneo's popularity - early booking is essential.   

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August’s weather in detail


Kota Kinabalu, Kinabalu NP, Kinabatangan River, Danum Valley, Sepilok, Gaya Island, Lankayan & Selingan Islands, Mabul & Sipadan Islands

Favourable weather conditions continue throughout Sabah in August with dry, sunny days and blue skies the norm. Minimal rainfall makes ideal conditions for jungle walking and trekking in Danum Valley, Tabin, and Kinabatangan River. Baby turtles are likely to hatching on the beaches of Selingan Island.
Great weather combined with excellent wildlife spotting opportunities and school holiday season, means early booking is highly recommended if you plan on travelling in August.

Avg daily temp: 28°C; avg monthly rainfall: 200mm.


Kuching, Damai Beach, Miri, Mulu National Park, Batang Ai

August is usually one of Sarawak’s driest months and a great time to explore the National Parks, jungle regions, caves and of course the beaches on the north coast. The ever-present possibility of thunderstorms remains, although these are most likely to occur in the late afternoon or evening and are likely to be short, heavy bursts of rain as opposed to persistent drizzle.

Avg daily temp: 29°C, avg monthly rainfall: 205mm.

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