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Borneo weather & when to go: March

Borneo March weather overview

March is a good time for trekking in Borneo without the crowds as the rains begin to subside across Borneo during March and dry, sunny days finally begin to outweigh damp days and overcast skies, especially in Sabah. After months of rain Borneo's forests and jungles are lush and green.

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Borneo weather & when to go

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March’s weather in detail


Kota Kinabalu, Kinabalu NP, Kinabatangan River, Danum Valley, Sepilok, Gaya Island, Lankayan & Selingan Islands, Mabul & Sipadan Islands

Across Sabah, the rains start to subside in March and dry days begin to outweigh damp days. If you plan to conquer Mt Kinabalu, March is a good month to do so, with favourable weather conditions and fewer fellow climbers. It is also an excellent month to spot whale sharks, especially around Lankayan Island. Visiting at the end of rainy season has its benefits, with verdant countryside and rainforest, bountiful rivers and waterfalls.

Avg daily temp: 28°C, avg monthly rainfall:155mm


Kuching, Damai Beach, Miri, Mulu National Park, Batang Ai

Rain levels continue to decrease across Sarawak in March, although it is still wetter compared to neighbouring Sabah. With less rain, trekking and caving in Mulu National Park is more of an enjoyable prospect and you’re likely to be sharing the experience with only a handful of fellow trekkers.

Avg daily temp: 28°C; avg monthly rainfall:360mm.

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