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Borneo weather & when to go: July

Borneo July weather overview

Favourable weather conditions combined with school holidays make July a popular time of year to visit Borneo. Expect warm sunny days, blue skies and minimal rainfall throughout Sabah and Sarawak.

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July’s weather in detail


Kota Kinabalu, Kinabalu NP, Kinabatangan River, Danum Valley, Sepilok, Gaya Island, Lankayan & Selingan Islands, Mabul & Sipadan Islands

Typically July is one of the driest months of the year across Sabah with plenty of blue skies, sunshine and hot temperatures. Dive conditions around Gaya Island and Lankayan Island are near perfect with warm water and excellent visibility up to 40 metres. Turtle season continues on Sipadan Island and the orangutans are still foraging for tasty treats in Danum Valley and along the banks of the Kinabatangan River.  
July coincides with the main holiday season meaning early booking is essential, especially as many of Borneo’s lodges are small with limited availability.

Avg daily temp: 28°C; avg monthly rainfall: 200mm. 


Kuching, Damai Beach, Miri, Mulu National Park, Batang Ai

July is the driest month of the year in Sarawak, with longer sunshine hours and less cloud cover. Temperatures can reach into the high 30°C’s and the heat combined with high humidity levels can create outbreaks of thunder. 

Avg daily temp: 29°C; avg monthly rainfall: 190mm.

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